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Creating Surveys

Create impactful customer, employee, and product surveys with step-by-step survey question guides and best practice design tips. Also, get the latest scoop on Delighted’s free survey templates and how to add them to your toolkit.

Creating Surveys
First impressions matter, especially those that new hires form on their first day. Did they feel welcomed? Were clear expectations set? Asking new hires about their onboarding […]
The Editorial Team
delighted templates announcement post featured image
Introducing 50+ templates for customer and employee lifecycle feedback
survey fatigue blog post featured image
Survey fatigue: What it is, why it happens, and how to avoid it
Post-event survey questions blog post featured image
35 post-event survey questions to ask for event feedback
AI recommended questions blog post featured image
Introducing AI Recommended Questions
multiple choice questions blog post featured image
Multiple choice questions: Types, examples, and tips 
Introducing Delighted Surveys: A simple and delightful all-in-one survey experience
Employee survey blog post featured image
Employee surveys: Types, tips, and how-to guide
Demographic survey questions blog post featured image
12 demographic survey questions (with examples) 
Open ended questions blog post featured image
Open-ended questions: Definition, examples, and tips
Nonresponse bias blog post featured image
What is nonresponse bias and how to reduce it with 6 survey tips
Survey design blog post featured image
Survey design best practices: 7 steps to follow
How to make the most of a free survey program: 4 tips to know
close-ended questions blog post feature image
Close-ended questions: Definition, types, examples, and advantages   
likert scale featured image
What’s a Likert scale and how can you use it to better understand your audience?
Experience Management 101
Delighted Q1 2024 Product Recap
What is the customer lifecycle? Definition, stages, and tips
Distributing Surveys
Introducing the Delighted Android SDK
NPS email: A complete guide (with tips & examples)
Reporting & Analysis
Email digests: The easiest way to stay on top of feedback
New integration: Sync survey responses into Google Sheets

You don’t have to take our word for it

Delighted helps some of the world’s most coveted brands gather actionable customer feedback and make customer satisfaction a competitive advantage.

“Everyone at Bonobos needs a direct line to customers for feedback. I know that due to Delighted, we avoided disaster.”
Andy Dunn
Founder and CEO
“Every time we open up Delighted we find a new way to improve, which at the end of the day is why we are doing this.”
JT Marino
“You need users’ thoughtful, raw feedback to correct and improve experiences for all customers in the future.”
Amanda Richardson
VP Product